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Funny drinking games for the latest movies and TV shows on DVD. For entertainment value.

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I Am Legend Drinking Game

I Am Legend - Will SmithTake a drink...

Whenever you see an animal besides a dog.

Whenever you see the main Mutant / Vampire / Zombie dude.

Whenever Will Smith talks to a manakin.

Whenever Will Smith acts like he's losing his mind in general. (Feel free to debate what that entails, but as always, when in doubt, drink.)

Whenever Will Smith aims his badass gun at anything.

Whenever Will Smith has his lab coat on.

Whenever Will Smith's watch beeps.


Starting when Will Smith starts quoting Shrek, and don't quit until he stops.

Special Rule:

When Will Smith gets caught in the trap, get into an argument about whether (A) the mutants set the trap from his example or (B) he set the trap himself and forgot about it. Whoever wins the argument, take a shot; whoever loses the argument, take two shots. If you're all in agreement or nobody wins, you all take a shot.