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Funny drinking games for the latest movies and TV shows on DVD. For entertainment value.

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Massive Lost Drinking Game

This is the biggest drinking game I've done so far, partly because it's so easy and mostly because Lost is a badass show. I'm sure I could've come up with plenty more rules but any more felt like overkill; if you think of a good one that's not on here, feel free to add it to the comments. I also didn't bother giving any rules special "Chug/Take a shot" status because I figure you'll already be drinking quite enough - but of course feel free to upgrade any of the less-used rules to that level if you wish. Lastly, I should add that four or five of these rules I cribbed from here.

Universal Rules:

Take a drink...

Whenever any of The Numbers are mentioned or appear (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42).

Whenever anyone says "Others," "Dharma," "Widmore," "Hanso," "Hatch," “Driveshaft,” or "Oceanic.”

Whenever anyone stares out at the ocean.

Every time you hear whispers in the woods, or hear the various noises the smoke monster makes. Drink twice if you see the monster.

Whenever two character get into a brawl.

Whenever there's that "whoooshing" sound right before a flashback or flash-forward.

Whenever you correctly shouts "flashback" just before one starts.

Whenever a character appears in another character’s flashback.

Whenever one of the Oceanic 815 extras has a line. That includes Scott and Steve.

Whenever anyone cries.

Whenever it starts raining.

Whenever anyone embarks on a journey into the jungle.

Whenever someone dead re-appears (in flashbacks, dreams, as a ghost, or what have you).

Whenever someone dies.

Whenever there’s a close-up of an eyeball.

Character-Specific Rules:

Take a drink...

Whenever Jack calls another character by name. Drink twice if it’s Kate.

Whenever Sawyer calls anyone a nickname or makes a pop culture reference.

Whenever Sawyer reads a book.

Whenever Kate holds a gun.

Whenever Jin says something in English.

Whenever Sun lies.

Whenever Claire says “My baby” or “Aaron.”

Whenever Sayid does something ridiculously awesome or conveys more common sense than anyone else.

Whenever the camera shows Sayid’s awkwardly long fingernails.

Whenever Charlie gets angry.

Whenever Hurley says “Dude.” Drink twice if he says “I’m not crazy.”

Whenever Desmond says “brotha”.

Whenever someone hits Ben/Henry Gale.

Whenever Juliet gives one of those infuriating looks of pitying/condescension.

Season-Specific Rules:

Take a drink...

In Season 1:

Whenever it’s revealed why someone was on the plane.

Whenever two main characters meet for the first time.

Whenever Sawyer has the letter in his hands.

Whenever Locke explains something to Boone.

In Season 2:

Whenever Michael says "I'm gonna get my boy/son back," "They took my son!," or "WAAALT!!" (So basically, whenever Michael has a line.)

Whenever they input the numbers into the computer.

Whenever Ana-Lucia acts like a massive turd.

Whenever Mr. Eko tells a story. Drink twice if it's a biblical story.

In Season 3:

Whenever Desmond talks about Charlie dying or has a vision of him dying.

Whenever an Other besides Ben or Juliet has a line.

In Season 4:

Whenever Faraday acts nuts.

Whenever one of the Oceanic 6 is revealed.

Whenever we're introduced to someone on the freighter.

Whenever Locke acts like a terrible leader.


matches said...

no, no; you've got it all wrong...

"Hear ye all LOST watchers, you must drink when any of the following transpire (any action that is cliche for that character):
- If Sawyer calls someone by a nickname, you drink.
- If Sayid suspects something, you drink.
- If Jack is panting, out of breath ("what is it now, Kate?", "I don't have time for this, Hurley"), or is overly worked-up about something, you drink.
- If Kate is hot, you drink. (Clearly, we cannot have every one being blackout drunk by the end of an hour-long episode, so we must amend this to instances of extreme hotness.)
- If Ben says something with an unnecessary amount of southern drawl to it ("Why don't you come over here, Jack; I just baked a nice marionberry pie. I've also got an apple brown-betty cooling on the window-sill"), you drink. If Ben is manipulative, you drink.
- If Hurley makes you smile, you finish smiling, and then you drink.
- If Desmond calls someone "brother", you drink.
- If Rose is more annoying than useful, you drink. This goes for Bernard as well.
- If Locke trusts either the Island, or his instincts, you drink.
- If you see Charlie, and even think about singing the chorus of "You all, everybody", you drink.
- If Sun makes you seriously consider moving to Korea, you drink.
- If Faraday acts more eccentrically than is absolutely necessary to drive home a point, or reminds you of Keanu Reeves pre-matrix, you drink.
- If Juliette smiles, but her eyes betray another, more serious emotion, you drink.

Additionally, if the smoky dragon appears or is heard, you must drink.
If you are progressively more frustrated at or by each commercial break, you must drink.

We find LOST goes best with a case of corona or a few bottles of red wine. Shots are acceptable, and also, badass.

Feel free to add on; we're going to be quite drunk every Wednesday already~

Update: Any time anyone in the show drinks (does not even have to be alcohol) must drink~ That should give this the extra-sloppy edge that it needed.
Update: If someone dies (e.g. Kimi)....drink."