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Funny drinking games for the latest movies and TV shows on DVD. For entertainment value.

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August Rush Drinking Game

August Rush - Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Freddie HighmoreTake a drink...

Whenever something wildly improbable happens.

Whenever Freddie Highmore has a voice-over.

Whenever the story blatantly rips off Oliver Twist.

Whenever anyone says "August Rush" or "music".

Whenever a song is played in the action of the film (not just on the soundtrack).

Whenever it annoys you that Freddie Highmore's not holding the guitar right and will probably break a string, seriously dude.

Whenever there's a scene in an NYC park.

Take a shot/chug...

Whenever two characters that are related talk to each other.


Anonymous said...

I first would like to say thank you for your effort in creating this wonderful drinking game. My girlfriend and I hate this movie and needed to vent our disdain through alcohol. We both think that Freddie whats his nuts is a major douche, and understand why you created this.