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Funny drinking games for the latest movies and TV shows on DVD. For entertainment value.

Comments are open to everybody, so suggest a new rule, request a new movie, write your own drinking game, or just tell me how much I suck.

Into the Wild Drinking Game

Take a drink...

Whenever Emile Hirsch says "wild," "north," or "Alaska."

Every time Jena Malone begins a narration.

Every time Emile Hirsch writes something.

Whenever Vince Vaughn acts too much like Vince Vaughn. (When in doubt, drink.)

Whenever it's mentioned what town or state the characters are in.

Whenever Hirsch's character leaves someone who cares about him. (For Hal Holbrook, chug for ten seconds, because if you don't you'll be sobbing.)

Aside from the above, every other time you want to slap Hirsch's character for being an idiot. (Including but not limited to the scene in which he turns down pants-less Kristen Stewart.)

Chug a beer/take a shot...

Every time a new "chapter" starts (it'll say it on the screen).

When you see Emile Hirsch's penis.