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Funny drinking games for the latest movies and TV shows on DVD. For entertainment value.

Comments are open to everybody, so suggest a new rule, request a new movie, write your own drinking game, or just tell me how much I suck.

3:10 to Yuma Drinking Game

Drink once...

Every time someone says "Pinkerton," "Yuma," or "Contention."

Every time you catch Christian Bale not limping when he should be.

Every time Russell Crowe kills someone. (At that part where he kills a lot of people in about five seconds, chug one beer or take a shot.)

Any time a female character has a line.

Any time Christian Bale asks someone for money or a finance-related favor.

Chug a beer/take a shot...

Whenever Russell Crowe starts drawing.

When one of the Wilson brothers appears.