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Funny drinking games for the latest movies and TV shows on DVD. For entertainment value.

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Juno Drinking Game

First off: take a shot during the Rainn Wilson scene, and take heart: the movie will get better.

Take a drink whenever...

There's a pop-culture reference. Any pop-culture reference. (Take two if one particularly annoys you. For example, I really, really hate when Olivia Thirlby says "Honest to blog.")

Anyone calls anybody by a nickname - "Junebug," "Bleek," etc. (Take two if Juno says a nickname for herself.)

You see the track team.

Someone touches Juno's (Ellen Page) stomach.

She talks on her hamburger phone.

Juno refers to sex with Bleeker (Michael Cera) being really good.

Anyone says:

  • "Sexually active"
  • "Pregnant"
  • "Wizard"
You see Bleeker with Tic-Tacs.

The relationship between Mark (Jason Bateman) and Juno feels particularly uncomfortable.

Vanessa (Jennifer Garner) smiles radiantly.

An indie/folky song comes on the soundtrack.

Chug/take a shot whenever...

Juno's little sister has a line.


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